Designee Supervisor AC Maintenance

  • Supervise a team of subordinates to meet all maintenance requirements as per the approved maintenance schedule for the assigned area of work.
  • Direct ideas and take an appropriate decision to achieve objectives according to approved regulations and procedures

  • Directs the activities of a team of technicians to meet production target.
  • Apply corporate management and technical policies and procedures applicable to the area of work.
  • Enhance the work schedule for his production unit.
  • Ensure the availability of adequate equipment and materials to satisfy needs.
  • Ensure the availability of required manpower and keep control over their performance.
  • Ensure the quality of work meets Saudia standards.
  • Conduct performance evaluation for all assigned personnel and complete required paperwork.
  • Work closely with support departments to his unit such as (production planning, technical support, engineering, material, management etc.).
  • Perform any tasks assigned to him by his direct supervisor. Receive shift assignment from shift manager.
  • Review assigned tasks requirements (parts, tools and insp)
  • Ensure that the personnel are aware and informed of all new departmental rules, circulars, RMSL's, letters. Etc...
  • Ensure that all personnel accomplish their tasks in accordance with their individual job responsibility list requirement.
  • Take immediate action when alerted to any accident or incident.
  • Contact shift manager and section manager.
  • Ensure that entries are made in aircraft records and AMOS system for all work accomplished by personnel.
  • Check to see that personnel use the last half hour to clean up their work area and complete documentation for all work.
  • Break time must be observed as direct and not abused.
  • Observe smoking policy and make sure others are following it.
  • Ensure to fill the resume and turn over. Observe the work in the aircraft.
  • Ensure the safety of work.
Post date: 20 Rajab 1446 - 19 January 2025
Publisher: LinkedIn
Post date: 20 Rajab 1446 - 19 January 2025
Publisher: LinkedIn