Please Select Payment Method

1313.00 SAR
1313.00 SAR
Payment Steps

To successfully transfer the amount in four simple steps

  1. Make sure you have a credit card that allows online transfer. If you are not sure ask your bank’s customer service.
  2. Enter your credit card number, expiry date and the security code.
  3. Click the “Pay Now” button.
  4. Once the payment is confirmed your package will become active.

If you need any assistant or have any questions please contact your account manager

Credit Card Details
Visa MasterCard America Express
1313.00 SAR
1313.00 SAR
Payment Steps
  1. Click on button "Pay Now" Below
  2. Enter your details, and your electronic credit card number, and your AD will be featured once the payment completed.

If you need any assistant or have any questions please contact your account manager

1313.00 SAR
1509.95 SAR
Payment Steps

  • How to make a bank transfer:
  • 1- Choose Al Ahli Bank from the list below Please note that you can transfer from any bank to our account via IBAN.
  • 2- After transferring the amount please send the receipt at  or contact your account manager directly.
  • 3- We'll confirm the payment and immediately activate your package.

Al Ahli  Bank

مصرف الإنماء
مؤسسة دفترة و تنقيب لتقنية المعلومات

Please Note: Please add 15% VAT Taxes to the full ammount. 

Thank you for choosing our direct recruitment prospecting services. 


If you need any assistant or have any questions please contact your account manager

Transaction Details