مسئول تحليل محفظة تمويلية خبرة بنك

Resources Promise

الشروط ان يكون من سكان الرياض او الشرقية 

الرجاء عدم الارسال اذا لم يكن لديه خبرة في البنك كمسئول محفظة تمويل 

ومن ضمن المهام مايلي:

تقليل المخاطر عن طريق توزيع المخاطر على قاعدة كبيرة من العملاء بدل من تمركزها لدى كبار العملاء قروض الشركات
2- ارتفاع ربحيه منتجات التجزئه المصرفيه

3- تطوير قدرات البنك التنافسيه

4- الاستفاده من العمولات و المصروفات التى يحصل عليها البنك من العملاء

5- الاستفادة من قاعده العملاء فى اعطاء دراسه المخاطر المستقبلية ( معرفة امكانيه عدم السداد او نسب التعثر )

العناية بمنتجات التجزئه المصرفية 
1- البطاقات
2-القروض النقدية
3-قروض السيارات
4- التامين البنكى
5-قروض الاسكان
6-قرض التعليم


to identify at each business levels, areas that we are good at ( acquisition and reselling ) , areas that we are not good ( risk and pricing improvements ) , and quick wins ( acquisition , policy , pricing and focus segments )

in all products level:

report product performance

top revenue drivers

top risk impact

potential concentration " quick wins "

cards : support cards business on:

Active dormant management : identify which customers are active / dormant and trigger pain points by :

card vintage

source of customer application

product type

seasonal impact

trend of customer behaviors

everyday spend management:

product type

seasonal impact

trend of customer behaviors

everyday spend management:

create customer segmentation based on spend behavior

identify level of stickiness for each segment . where costumer spend , when he spend , how frequently he spend

work with merchant alliance to sign offers that is relevant to our customer need

customer lifecycle management

personal loan :

support personal loan business manager in :

customer lifecycle management

personal loan :

support personal loan business manager in :

develop PL profitability dashboard

by product

by sector

by employer

by geography

conduct portfolio analysis identify:

conduct portfolio analysis identify

high risk sources of customer

low risk sourcing of customer

profitability heat map analysis

developer fulfilment dashboard alignment

with all process touchpoint

conduct continuous analysis (acquisition , after sales , attrition and profitability )

mortgage :

develop mortgage profitability dashboards

by products

by sector

by employer

 by geography



Post date: 08 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1440 - 10 July 2019
Publisher: Tanqeeb.com

Post date: 08 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1440 - 10 July 2019
Publisher: Tanqeeb.com