Crew Planning Specialist


The Job Holder will identify, analyze and process the crew numbers and flight schedule relevant information to come up with forecast in manpower capacity, annual vacation leave plan, generate regulatory compliant & cost-efficient crew pairings, crew rosters, and shall communicate with crew members and concerned offices. 

• Budget & Cost Control − Review, analyze and optimize stable & high utilization crew pairings − Calibrate and align the available and projected manpower to cover the budgeted flight schedule − Optimize the roster distribution among full-time available crew to control fairness in costs and duty distribution − Review and validate statistics (dashboard components) to assist in forecast and data driven decisions, e.g., crew layover budgeted costs vs. generated crew pairings relative to final network flight schedule

• Policy, Procedures & Control − Review, validate and enhance processes and procedures in crew planning − Exercise independency in deciding and completing routine tasks − Lead in resolving safety related incident on the official reporting system − Improve strategies by documenting standard practices and procedures 

• Operations − Review and validate annual vacation days slots and calibrate on monthly basis − Calibrate fatigue inducing crew pairing &/or crew roster design and implement corrective measures − Generate & publish crew pairings and crew rosters to cover the published network flight schedule − Validate system enhancement features to improve crew management system results/output

• Relations − Prove proposed problem handling and solutions implementation

• Reports − Review the logistical support to execute the published crew pairings & crew rosters − Publish reports to stake holders


Experience: 4 Years of Experience in crew resources planning. Jeppesen Crew Pairing & Jeppesen Crew Rostering system

Education: Bachelor’s degree 

تاريخ النشر: 20257 20253 20251 - اليوم
الناشر: Bayt
تاريخ النشر: 20257 20253 20251 - اليوم
الناشر: Bayt