NDT Inspector

The Inspector, NDT will be performing testing activities on materials, record and archive documents with results and test parameters, ensure traceability of tested pipes in the L2 database, calibrate and validate machines, provide on-the-job training to NDT beginners or level-2 inspectors, conduct daily maintenance of NDT equipment, participate in training/examinations for certification/recertification in relevant NDT methods, perform operational maintenance of NDT machines, and carry out repair and troubleshooting activities.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. To perform all testing activities for material being examination.
  2. To record and archive ail documents with results, test parameters and to assure the traceability of the tested pipes in L2 database, manual record.
  3. Calibration pipe to be kept in controlled condition and inform to NDT-SV if a certain calibration pipe is damaged or not available.
  4. To calibrate and validate the machine, perform training on the job with NDT beginner or under own level-2 NDT inspectors.
  5. Perform daily maintenance of NDT equipment.
  6. To participate in specific training/examinations to obtain certification / recertification on applicable NDT method.
  7. To do operational maintenance of NDT machine, and perform repairing and prove up activities.
  8. To properly execute and complete specific tasks allocated and effectively implement the quality direction set by his leader.
  9. To effectively apply designated roles and responsibilities in accordance with job description and applicable procedures and documents.
  10. To properly maintain procedures, work instructions and other documents under his custody.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Understand and apply NDT method and techniques.
  • Have advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office programs.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills.
  • Teamwork, and Communication.
  • Organization and Time Management.

Education & Experience:

  • Technical diploma or Industrial High School with minimum 3 years’ experience or equivalent.
  • NDT Level-ll certificate on MEL or UT or both.
  • Preferred working experience on Dr Forester MFL Machines and Tuboscope UT auto NDT units.
  • Good knowledge in Setup, Calibration, and operating NDT auto equipment's.
  • Basic Knowledge of entire pipe inspection process.

تاريخ النشر: 28 رجب 1446 - ٢٧ يناير ٢٠٢٥
الناشر: LinkedIn
تاريخ النشر: 28 رجب 1446 - ٢٧ يناير ٢٠٢٥
الناشر: LinkedIn