Director of Teaching & Learning

Neom - السعودية - NEOM



Working in line with Vision2030, the NEOM Mission and Vision, and the NEOM ERI EC12 Vision, Mission, and board-approved strategy, the Director of Teaching and Learning will oversee and guide the design, implementation, review, and revision of the NEOM Community School academic program and curriculum. The Director will ensure alignment between the strategy and the program as implemented in all NEOM Community Schools. The Director will ensure that the physical plant and academic program are aligned and take an active role in designing additional schools and making physical improvements to existing schools in accordance with peer-reviewed research, international best practice, and expectations established via the strategy. The Director will oversee the physical and programmatic creation, implementation, and expansion of the NEOM Baccalaureate and its coordinate Centers of Excellence, ensuring that the physical manifestation of such programs is fully aligned with the vision to establish a world class education system that can be scaled both within and beyond NEOM. The Director will ensure planning and codification of academic policies and procedures, job descriptions, and a timeline for hiring faculty and staff to support the rapid growth of NEOM Education across multiple buildings. The Director works collaboratively with the various heads of school, but is responsible for the effective and efficient implementation of programs and curricula in full alignment with the strategy. The Director will work collaboratively to ensure that each school provides data in formal and informal reports on the progress of schools, including student testing data and other data as requested or required. The Director will play an active role guiding and approving program development plans for staff and support positive parent relations.




  • Ensure the development and successful establishment of a world-class program for Early Childhood through Grade 12 students in a culturally diverse, fast-paced, collaborative and inquiry-based environment
  • Design, implement, review, and revise an innovative, world-class, and forward thinking educational program that is fully aligned with the board-approved strategy 
  • Oversee all elements of the NEOM Baccalaureate program with its requisite elements of Teaching and Learning, Arabic/Islamic Studies, Marine Science, NEOM X, Global Programs/Boarding, Artificial Intelligence, Media, and Leadership – as well as others that may be added
  • Work with colleagues to ensure that the Mission, Vision, Values, and Motto come alive within all elements of the educational program
  • Provide visionary, inspired, engaged, decisive and optimistic leadership for all academic programs
  • Ensure ongoing authorization to utilize the International Baccalaureate Programme
  • Inspire confidence and trust in education staff, parents
  • Develop the NEOM Academic Program for students of any background or ability for Early Childhood through Grade 12
  • Oversee the design and implementation of NEOMX - NEOM Community School online
  • Ensure the successful accreditation of NEOM Community Schools/s through NEASC ACE
  • Develop policies, procedures, and SOPs for faculty, staff, parents/families, and students
  • Provide critical and innovative thinking and leadership while working in collaboration with members of the Leadership Team and building principals
  • Establish testing protocols for assessment including SSAT, PSAT, SAT, TOEFL, etc.
  • Work with NEOM University to achieve curricular alignment and establish teaching/mentoring opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in NEOM schools
  • Develop and maintain membership and strong ties to: ECIS, NESA, IB, OESIS, Search Associates, the College Board, and any other body necessary for the sustainable operation of an exceptional education program
  • Ensure that all regulatory and legal obligations of the NEOM Authority and other accountability bodies are met annually, including testing, evaluations, etc.
  • Generally engage in every aspect of a startup operation to ensure that NEOM Education serves every student in an inclusive, rigorous where appropriate, and supportive where needed program that prepares students for university, advanced micro-credentials, and skills-based employment
  • Oversee and ensure the recruitment of highly qualified teaching and learning professionals who engage, live, and implement the Mission




  • Self-starter with experience of a strategic senior leadership role in an international school, (preferably start up) serving a local and ex-pat community e.g. Headteacher of whole school, or school phase leadership, curriculum coordinator, etc.
  • Experience of working in the Middle East desirable.
  • Experience with IB Programmes
  • Excellent pedagogical knowledge and understanding of PreK-12.
  • Highly fluent, personable and persuasive communicator at all levels
  • Discreet and culturally aware.
  • Clear thinker, strategic innovator, creative problem solver, analytical, and solution focused
  • Able to deliver consistently high performance and nurture others leaders through impartial, insightful and collaborative leadership and integrity
  • Calm under pressure, highly motivated and outcomes driven
  • Is committed to diversity in a dynamic learning environment
  • Embraces the NEOM Vision, Mission, and locality in Northwest Saudi Arabia
  • Engaging and empathetic
  • Fosters the personal and professional development of others
  • Enjoys working with students and faculty from Early Childhood through Grade 12
  • Has a deep understanding of school administration and operations
  • Has an appropriate sense of self, including a strong sense of humor 
  • Maintaining a high-quality professional network of international educators
  • Working in non-western settings and/or work with international students: Africa, MENA, Asia or Latin America
  • Experience working in an independent school, international school, or equivalent
  • A demonstrated ability to lead a group to consensus and work collegially with multiple constituencies
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • A love of working with young people and an appreciation for the life of a school
  • Exceptional administrative, organizational, and management skills
  • Supervisory experience in hiring, developing, and evaluating talented staff members
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Listens well — demonstrates high level listening skills
  • Balanced, resilient, sense of humor
  • Straightforward, honest, transparent, high integrity
  • Self-directed, Self-reliant
  • Highly relational with strong emotional intelligence (EQ)
  • Ability to work in a diverse and lively independent school setting and to work collaboratively and collegially with students, faculty and staff, and families
  • Willingness to work flexible hours as needed, including weekends and evenings
  • Adept with technology and social media
  • Comfortable and confident with statistics, data analysis, and producing measurable results
  • Other duties as assigned
  • Thrives under pressure and compatible with uncertainty — adaptable, entrepreneurial, pioneer spirited, future-focused, collaborative, reflective, and open to change and innovation, especially educational settings
  • Prepared to take on the challenge of building community and providing stability in a fast- paced start-up environment
  • Global Citizen with experience studying, working, and/or living in various countries/cultures — cosmopolitan/cross-cultural competency
  • Willingness to embrace the MENA region, Islamic and Arab traditions and culture, and the NEOM Vision
  • Acquainted with, willing to embrace, and actively engaged with research-driven, modern pedagogies
  • A passion for adventure, the future of schools, and for NEOM education — ready for a multi- year commitment
  • A willingness to take on other duties as assigned, including residential life, coaching, mentoring, advising, travel, etc.
  • Ability to operate collaboratively in a startup setting with multiple internal and external stakeholders
  • Innovation or Entrepreneurship interest and expertise
  • Seasoned strategic thinker with entrepreneurial outlook and approach to problem-solving
  • Strong presentation skills and ability to articulate complex ideas effectively
  • Advanced Degree/s (Masters or above) in a subject field and/or education administration required




تاريخ النشر: 14 ربيع الأول 1446 - اليوم
الناشر: Neom Jobs
تاريخ النشر: 14 ربيع الأول 1446 - اليوم
الناشر: Neom Jobs